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Brag on a Brave


Traits of a Brave - English


Brag on a Brave

Brag on a Brave is a way for you to compliment a Community ISD employee, student or volunteer whom you observe demonstrating the Traits of a Brave: being generous, passionate, humble, and wise.

You may be a parent impressed with the extra effort and passion your child’s teacher has put in to provide a learning experience for your Brave, or a coworker who thinks a support staff member doesn’t get enough credit for the work they quietly do each day to take care of our teachers and students….anyone can Brag on a Brave!
Your Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
What is your relationship to nominee?requiredChoose only one. If there is more than one applicable role, please pick the most appropriate.
Choose only one. If there is more than one applicable role, please pick the most appropriate.
Who are you nominating for Brag on a Brave?required
First Name
Last Name
What is your nominee's role?requiredChoose only one. If there is more than one applicable role, please pick the most appropriate.
Choose only one. If there is more than one applicable role, please pick the most appropriate.
What campus is your nominee associated with?requiredChoose only one. If there is more than one applicable campus, please pick the most appropriate.
Choose only one. If there is more than one applicable campus, please pick the most appropriate.
Which Trait was this person exhibiting?requiredPlease pick one here. You can type out multiple traits in the nomination field.
Please pick one here. You can type out multiple traits in the nomination field.
Attach up to 5 files with a maximum size of 20MB
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