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Place 3 - Staci Schroeder

Mrs. Staci Schroeder

Place 3 is currently held by Staci Schroeder. Mrs. Schroeder has been a member of the Community ISD Board of Trustees since 2021.

Mrs. Schroeder is a 1997 graduate of Community High School, and has been an insurance agent for 21 years. She has been married to her husband, Justin, for 19 years, and is the proud parent of Joshua (a 2021-22 senior) and Graci (a 2021-22 8th grader). The Schroeders also own J&S Wood Design.

Staci Schroeder's goal, as a member of the CISD Board of Trustees, is to seek only the best for our students and teachers because they deserve the best education and facilities available. Mrs. Schroeder believes her knowledge of the district will be an asset as the Board of Trustees navigate this quickly growing and changing landscape and work to provide our students with the education they need in order to become successful members of society upon graduation from Community High School.

Meet Board Member Staci Schroeder