CISD Required Postings
Unauthorized Persons:
Refusal of Entry, Ejection, Identification
How We Serve You:
The Community ISD Police Department, and State law, strictly prohibits officers from engaging in racial profiling. Each of our officers has received training concerning the racial profiling law and is provided with a copy of our departmental policy pertaining to racial profiling. Complaints alleging racial profiling with respect to an individual may be filed with the Community ISD Administration, Attn: Superintendent, 611 FM 1138 North Nevada, TX 75173. A complaint should be submitted in writing and in a timely manner after the incident so that the incident can receive prompt attention. Once the complaint is received, the Superintendent will initiate an investigation into the matter.
- Assisting campus administrators in providing safe and secure campuses
- Enforcing all laws, including board rules & regulations, municipal ordinances, county ordinances, and state laws within the territorial boundaries of the District, when it affects the safety and welfare of the students, employees and/or District property
- Enforcing school zone traffic laws, when reduced school zone speed limits are in effect
- Community ISD police officers have the primary responsibility for law enforcement on all property owned, leased, or rented by the District