We understand that employees need to take extended periods of time off for medical reasons. That's why CISD offers different leaves of absence to help employees deal with situations which require extended periods of time off from work. Eligible employees can apply for leave benefits if they need to take more than three days off for one of the following reason:
- Medical
- The birth, adoption or placement of a child
- Temporary Disability Leave
- Military (other than reserves)
Step 1: Email your medical leave request to the HR leaves specialist, marissa.titlow@communityisd.org, 30 days in advance, if the leave is foreseeable. If the leave is unforeseeable please email us "as soon as practicable" with your leave request.
Eligibility/Reason for Leave
- Employee with a minimum of 12 month of service with the district
-Employee's serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform one or more essential job functions (including pregnancy)
-Care for newborn, adopted child, or a child placed for foster care
-Care for the employee's spouse, child, or parent with a serious health condition
-Qualifying exigency (i.e. short-notice deployment, military events, and related activities)
-Care for an injured, next-of-kin service member
-Up to 12 weeks in a rolling 12 month period
-Up to 26 weeks in a single 12 month period to care for an injured covered service member
-Job protection at campus ends after 12 weeks or after 26 weeks for care of an injured service member
-Can be taken as a continuous block of time or intermittently
Eligibility/Reason for Leave
- Any full-time employee whose position requires educator certification who are not eligible for FMLA or who have exhausted FMLA shall be eligible for temporary disability leave (substitutes and temporary employees are not eligible)
- Employee’s serious health condition (including pregnancy)
- Must provide medical certification
- Up to 180 calendar days
- Runs concurrent with FMLA and other leaves as applicable in a 12 month period
- Job protection with district ends at the end of temporary disability
- Refer to the district’s leave policies regarding return to work assignments or reassignments.
Eligibility/Reason for Leave
- Active military duty in any branch of the United States or state military armed services during periods of wartime or authorized training or duty
- Authorized military order is required.
- Up to five years of combined absences for long-term military duty
- Paid military leave is limited to 15 days each fiscal year (Oct 1 - Sept 30)
- Job protection ends when maximum leave is exhausted
Eligibility/Reason for Leave
- All employees who suffer a work-related illness or who are injured on the job
- Must inform supervisor or designee immediately
- Must contact benefits department if absence exceeds three days
- Up to 180 calendar days with proper medical certification
- Runs concurrently with FMLA
- Worker’s compensation benefits will continue until the employee is released by health-care provider or has reached the maximum medical improvement.
In order to receive worker's compensation you must be treated by a facility in the alliance network.**