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Severe Allergies

Food and Life Threatening Allergies

Allergy and Anaphylaxis information developed by the Texas Department of State Health Services can be viewed on their website: 

Guidelines for the Care of Students with Food Allergies At-Risk for Anaphylaxis 

The district requests to be notified when a student has been diagnosed with a food or other life-threatening allergy. Please complete the Student Health History on the online back to school forms in Skyward. If your child's health or allergies change during the school year, please contact the school nurse. 

Allergy Forms

Please complete the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan form with your child's healthcare provider and return it to the school nurse, along with their prescribed allergy medication. 

Allergy Action Plan | (English)

Allergy Action Plan | (Spanish)

In accordance with Education Code 38.0151, Community ISD has developed and implemented a food allergy management plan. 

Click Here for Food Allergy Management Plan