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Email Signature Requirements

All Community ISD employees are required to use the 2024-25 Community ISD email signature template.

Below, you can see an example of the email signature template. Click on the yellow button to get your copy of the template. Once you have opened the template, follow the steps below.


Email Signature Template

Steps to Add Your Email Signature to Gmail

  1. Complete the template with your information and campus logo (logos are available within the template).
  2. Once your email signature is complete, click on File>Download>PNG (picture). Find the .PNG file in your downloads.
  3. Click on the Google "Waffle" and then click on "Mail", or visit
  4. Click the settings wheel in the top right corner, then click "see all settings."
  5. It will open the "General" tab. Scroll down until you pass the colored stars. Below the profile picture, you will find the email signature section.
  6. Click the "+Create New" button. Name your new signature and include the school year.
  7. Upload your signature into the text box using the image icon. Click on the image, and select your desired size. Be aware that the picture will not fit in the box, but it will display correctly on your email.
  8. Set up the signature defaults "for new emails" and for the "on reply/forward use."
  9. Check "insert signature before quoted text in replies and remove the ..." box.
  10. Scroll all the way down and click "Save changes" when done. Test your new email signature.


Access Gmail on the Web


On a desktop computer:

  1. Log into the computer using CISD credentials. If you do not know how to log in to your CISD credentials, please call Tech Help at 972-843-6401.
  2. Open the Chrome Browser.
  3. Log into the Chrome Browser using the top right profile circle. Make sure to accept when prompted to turn on sync so you can access Community ISD Bookmarks.


On a Chromebook:

  1. Log into your Chromebook using CISD credentials. If you do not know how to log in to your CISD credentials, please call Tech Help at 972-843-6401.
  2. Open the Chrome browser - you will automatically be logged into all Google tools.
  3. Click on the Google "waffle", or visit


Add a profile picture to your Google account:

  1. Click on the lower profile circle right next to the waffle.
  2. Click on the camera icon and add a profile picture. Preferably, use a close up shot. If you do not have a photo, please arrange a time to stop by the CISD photo studio to have your headshot professionally taken. You can reach us at
  3. Choose "Anyone" for who can see your profile picture.