Dual Credit Registration Process
A step by step direction sheet will be provided to each student and posted on the College and Career page of the CISD website to help assist the enrollment process.
Each partnering institution has a different registration process so it will be important to read the directions carefully. Please contact your counselor if you have any questions or more assistance is needed. All posted deadlines are firm and unfortunately will not be extended for any reason. High School Course scheduling and Dual Credit Course Registration need to occur at the same time. Therefore, it is essential that students work with their high school counselor to complete this process. The College & Career Readiness department and College Counselors and Advisors available through the specific college are available for assistance to the counseling department and students.
Collin College Dual Credit Registration Procedure
Please contact your counselor and use the Collin College Dual Credit Procedure Checklist found at Appendix B. College Dual Credit
TVCC Dual Credit Registration Procedure
Students who are interested in taking a dual credit course through TVCC will need to complete the application for admission to TVCC, submit test scores, high school transcript, and a meningitis waiver before being able to register in courses through the college. TVCC allows each dual credit student to enroll in 2 classes per semester without paying tuition. However, each student is responsible for paying the course fees. Course fees will vary depending on the course. Community High School offers CTE Dual Credit Courses in Cosmetology, Automotive, and Construction Technology. The course fees for each program varies and some programs will require students to purchase a student kit each year. Please contact the program instructor for further information.
Automotive Technology - Mr. Ronald Gabriel ronald.gabriel@communityisd.org
Construction Technology - Mr. Blake Lierman blake.lierman@communityisd.org
Cosmetology - Mrs. Makenna Smith makenna.smith@communityisd.org
Pride Prep Program
The Pride Prep program at Texas A&M Commerce University is a competitive enrollment process that begins in the Winter of a student's 8th Grade Year. Parents & students should watch for an informational meeting to begin the application process. As a part of the application process, students will submit an Apply Texas Dual Credit application, take the TSI assessment, and complete a unique application and interview process in order to determine acceptance.
Texas A&M Commerce Pride Prep Dual Credit Registration Procedure
Students who have been accepted into the Pride Prep Program through Texas A&M Commerce will receive notification in the Spring of their 8th grade year. Course Registration is handled by the college. Community ISD will invoice students for the fall and spring semester.
Community High School - Collin College Dual Credit Checklist
CHS - Collin College Dual Credit Student Checklist
Community High School - Collin College Registration Checklist.pdf 474.33 KB (Last Modified on July 31, 2020)
Collin College Dual Credit Registration Permission Form
Community ISD_Collin College Registration Permission Form.pdf 891.24 KB (Last Modified on July 31, 2020)
Career And Technical Education Methods Of Administration (MOA)