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2022-23 School Calendar

  • CISD Board Approves 2022-23 School Calendar

    The 2022-23 CISD academic calendar was developed with primary consideration of meeting state requirements, as well as our current instructional needs. We also do our best to maintain the traditional holiday breaks valued by our students, families and staff.

    A calendar committee was formed in November 2021 that considered state requirements, proposed calendars for other school districts in our region, instructional needs for our campuses, and suggestions from parents from surveys from previous years. A link to the parent and staff feedback survey was posted on December 17, 2021, to the CISD website and shared with all parents via Blackboard email, sent to all staff via CISD email, and posted to social media. Parents, staff, students, and community members were able to provide feedback until January 10, 2022. Over 850 people provided feedback on the proposed calendars, and two options were brought forward for a vote by parents, students, and staff on January 31, 2022. The calendar that received the most votes was brought forward as a recommendation to the CISD Board of Trustees for a vote. Option #1 received 68.3% of 794 total votes.

    After feedback was gathered, a proposed calendar was brought before the CISD Board of Trustees for consideration at the February 14, 2022 regular board meeting. The calendar was then approved at the March 21, 2022 board meeting with a planned instructional time of 465 minutes per day and 166 instructional days.

    It is important to keep in mind that each year is unique and the school calendar is developed based on survey feedback, district instructional needs, peer district calendars and university calendars, and requirements from the state. The 2022-23 school calendar was approved by the CISD Board of Trustees on Monday, March 21, 2022.

    2022-23 Community ISD School Calendar (English and Spanish)