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Strategic Plan Background

Strategic Planning Overview

  • The Strategic Planning Team was charged by the Board of Trustees to develop a five-year plan to guide the District programs and practices. The Strategic Plan will include defining the following:

    • Graduate Profile – what are the characteristics of a CISD graduate
    • Beliefs – what are the core values and beliefs of the District
    • Mission – what is the main purpose of our organization?
    • Objectives & strategies – outline of specific goals for the District as well as specific strategies and action plans to attain each goal.

    The Strategic Planning process incorporated multiple strategies for stakeholder engagement including input from elected Trustees, a volunteer committee of stakeholders (Strategic Planning Team), community surveys, student surveys, and student panels.

    The Strategic Planning process began in December, 2015 with a Board of Trustees workshop. The Strategic Planning Team met weekly during the months of February through April. Final Action Plans were presented to the Board of Trustees for approval in May, 2016.