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October 28-November 1, 2024

Sharon Echols

The Brave of the Week - October 28-November 1 - Sharon Echols

The Brave of the Week for October 28-November 1 is ... Sharon Echols!

According to the nomination from Lisa Cavanaugh, a teacher at CHS, Ms. Echols showed wisdom by stopping to help after witnessing a car accident. Congratulations to Ms. Echols on being named the Brave of the Week, and thanks to Ms. Cavanaugh for the nomination!

Which Trait was this person exhibiting?


Why are you nominating this person?

Ms. Echols was driving to CHS when the car in front of her was involved in a wreck. The CHS student got out of the car and began to have a seizure.
Ms. Echols stayed with the student and comforted them until the ambulance arrived. She then made sure the other students in the car got safely to school. She was actually every trait of a BRAVE!

Other Brags Submitted This Week

Michelle Clark - Generous

Michelle Clark


Faben Abraham

Which Trait was this person exhibiting?


Why are you nominating this person?

Mrs.clark always have been so nice to me. She is caring, always there for everyone, and she is always making people laugh while getting her job done. I'm so proud of her; she does a lot of things and she helps a lot of teachers and she helps find kids' items in the lost-and-found. When I help her she is always so sweet to me.

Amy McCay - Passionate

Amy McCay


Valerie Powell

Which Trait was this person exhibiting?


Why are you nominating this person?

I want to nominate Amy McCay for Brag on a Brave. She has gone above and beyond to help my son succeed at school. The passion she shows towards kids is just astonishing. My family and son just love her so much and thank her for all her efforts.

Michael Brinkley - Passionate

Michael Brinkley, Principal of Braves Center


Helen Funk

Which Trait was this person exhibiting?


Why are you nominating this person?

At the Braves Center we have our challenges, but Mr. Brinkley shows up everyday smiling, laughing and ready to conquer the world. Every day is a new day. He jumps in and helps wherever he is needed . Most days he gets his butt handed to him - literally - time and time again. Most people would throw in the towel, but not him. We know he will show up no matter what and cheer us on. His love and dedication for our kids and team is amazing. He supports us in difficult times, listens to our frustrations, disappointments and successes. It is an honor to work beside him.

Karen Harper - Wise

Karen Harper


Daniel Carson

Which Trait was this person exhibiting?


Why are you nominating this person?

I'm nominating Mrs. Harper because she is the nicest teacher ever and happens to be the best science teacher ever. She helps me learn better than ever. She has created a new form of teaching. I have a great grade in her class, and she's just amazing overall, she has taught me stuff that goes through my brain and I can understand. No shade to any of my other teachers though! They are all amazing.

Scott McKee - Generous

Scott McKee


Danay Freeman-Moore

Which Trait was this person exhibiting?


Why are you nominating this person?

Mr. McKee is always moving and making sure everything that he can do, he does do. He is always willing to help or be helpful in any situation, if a large piece of equipment goes down, he will always do the best he can to fix it if possible. The Child Nutrition department is grateful for all he does for us and the District.

Andrez Aguilar - Generous

Andrez Aguilar


Emily Joyner

Which Trait was this person exhibiting?


Why are you nominating this person?

Time and time again, Mr. Aguilar shows the Traits of a Brave! He is such a special part of this district, and our students are blessed to have him. Whether he's in the classroom, at a ballgame or volunteering his time at various events--he is present and supportive of our students. He's even been known to show off his best cart wheels with the cheerleaders! Our PTO called upon him to help at our annual Bingo Night and his response was not just "yes," but "Yes, what else can I do to help?" He showed up in full Halloween gear ready for fun! We are so thankful for his generous spirit and how much he believes in every child at Edge Middle School.

Jana Hunter - Generous

Jana Hunter


Cooper Hunter

Which Trait was this person exhibiting?


Why are you nominating this person?

Jana Hunter showed all the trait of the brave last week. She gets up early so she can get me up,she goes above and beyond in everything she does. Jana Hunter is also on the school board here in Community. She is the best parent and volunteer you will ever experience. Jana Hunter volunteers at church, school events and also school board. That is why I nominated Jana Hunter for brag and a brave.

Jaxson Buchanan - Humble

Jaxson Buchanan


Jennifer Aldridge

Which Trait was this person exhibiting?


Why are you nominating this person?

Jaxson is the perfect example of humble. Jaxson works hard at school, baseball, and basketball and excels at all three. You will never hear him boast or brag though. Instead he is continuously cheering on his teammates and friends in everything they do. This kid hit two homeruns in a single game and smiled, and went to the dugout and went straight to encouraging the next batter. He consistently checks on his friends if they are having a hard time and is always willing to help them with anything they need. He never gets involved in any situations that he feels is not geared towards positivity and redirects when he feels it's what needed. He has a great head on his shoulders and is destined for great things! He truly shows all of the traits of a Brave on a daily basis!

Easton Coleman - Humble

Easton Coleman


Meagan Heath

Which Trait was this person exhibiting?


Why are you nominating this person?

Easton is such a fantastic friend. With a student that was nervous about being at a new school, Easton took him under his wing, held his hand when he was anxious, and has welcomed him with open arms. He ensures he is included and feels a part of their class. Everyone needs to be like Easton!

Allison (Allie) Cox - Generous

No photo available


Allison Fowler

Which Trait was this person exhibiting?


Why are you nominating this person?

Monday morning there were two boys that entered the building and were timid and a little hesitant to go to their classroom. A kindergarten student, Allison Cox, approached and gently grabbed them by their hands and led them to their right classroom. With this gesture Allie demonstrated generosity and humbleness as well as being a great leader. She was able to recognize that the boys needed reassurance and took action by leading them to their classroom. Way to go Allie!

Isabel Tovar - Humble

No Photo Available


Elsy Luna

Which Trait was this person exhibiting?


Why are you nominating this person?

Isabel Tovar has put others first by offering help whenever she can. She enjoys helping her classmates with small tasks in the classroom. She mentions in her own words how she enjoys helping students clean up their stations and helps with letting them know it’s time to sit in their desk. She accepts the criticism when we let her know she sometimes needs to let students learn these behaviors on their own so they can practice instead of having her help and give directions on what to do.

She enjoys talking about the games she can play with her classmates and how she can include her friends who have different needs.