Brag on a Brave
Trait of the Week - February 17-21, 2025
One of our favorite traditions, Brag on a Brave, returns in a BIG way this year with a new format! Each week we'll take in nominations or "Brags", and one special Brave from among them will chosen as the Brave of the Week and highlighted on Dr. Knowlton's podcast, In the Know. The Brave of the Week and all other Braves nominated will also be highlighted on this page, which will act as an archive of our Traits of a Brave in action.
Brag on a Brave is a way for you to compliment a Community ISD employee, student or volunteer whom you observe demonstrating the Traits of a Brave: being generous, passionate, humble, and wise.
You may be a parent impressed with the extra effort and passion your child’s teacher has put in to provide a learning experience for your Brave, or a coworker who thinks a support staff member doesn’t get enough credit for the work they quietly do each day to take care of our teachers and students….anyone can Brag on a Brave!
If you want to Brag on a Brave, scroll down the page and click on the "Brag on a Brave" button, which will take you to our nomination form.
Spring 2025
February 10-14
Braves of the Week - February 10-14 - Edge MS Coaches
The Braves of the Week are ... Coaches Fitzmaurice, Taylor, Belmore, and Goforth at Edge Middle School! In their nomination, Emily Joyner and Britni Fitzgerald said the following:
Coaches Fitzmaurice, Taylor, Belmore, and Goforth will always hold a special place in our hearts. The dedication and support they provide to our sons and the kids at Edge is so appreciated. We're grateful that our sons have such strong figures who lead by example every day. They hold them accountable with standards and expectations, while showing grace and kindness along the way. We love our coaches!"
Thank you to Mrs. Joyner and Mrs. Fitzgerald for their nominations, and congrats again to Fitzmaurice, Taylor, Belmore, and Goforth!
February 3-7
The Brave of the Week - February 3-7 - Amy Gonzales
The Brave of the Week is Amy Gonzales, a member of our Student Services and Health Services departments. According to nominator Sam Davis, "Amy is a good friend to everyone she meets. She checks on people and cares about everyone. She is creative and puts time and effort into making specialized cards for people's birthdays!"
Thank you to Mr. Davis for the nomination, and congratulations to Mrs. Gonzales for the honor!
January 27-31
The Brave of the Week - January 27-31 - Penny Pierce
The Brave of the Week is Penny Pierce, from our district Financial Services Department. In her nomination, Veronica Conley thanked Ms. Pierce for her wisdom and attention to detail, which saved the District a significant amount of money. Thank you to Mrs. Conley for the nomination, and congratulations to Ms. Pierce for the honor!
January 20-24
The Brave of the Week - January 20-24 - Abel Zumaya
This week The Brave of the Week is Abel Zumaya, one of our amazing CISD custodians! Able was nominated by Renee Robertson, who said that she witnessed him in action after the Friday night basketball games showing passion and pride in his job. He cleaned up everyone’s mess with a big smile on his face the entire time, and his positive energy and enthusiasm was contagious! Thank you to Mrs. Robertson for the nomination, and congratulations to Abel for the honor!
January 13-17
The Brave of the Week - January 13-17 - Humberto Garcia Ferrer
This week our Brave of the Week is … Humberto Garcia Ferrer from McClendon Elementary! Dr. Knowlton nominated Mr. Ferrer when she saw him live out all of the Traits of the a Brave during a lunch meeting with him and other McClendon students.
Humberto was wise in his answers to questions, humble by waiting his turn and not talking over others, passionate about his friends and teachers, and generous by staying after all the other students left to help clean up trash and leave the room the way he found it. Thank you so much Humberto for being such a great Brave, and thank you to Dr. Knowlton for the nomination!
Fall 2024
- December 16-20
- December 9-13
- December 2-6
- November 18-22
- November 11-15
- November 4-8
- October 28-November 1
- October 21-25
- October 14-18
- October 7-11
- September 30-October 4
- September 23-27
- September 16-20
- September 9-13
- September 2-6
- August 26-30
- August 19-23
- August 12-16
December 16-20
The Brave of the Week - December 16-20 - Emmy WIlleford
The Brave of the Week for December 16-20 is ... Emmy Willeford!
The last Brave of the Week for Fall 2024 is … Emmy Willeford from Community Trails Middle School! Emmy won the Western Pleasure division at the Texas American Saddlebred Horse Association Holiday Show, which took place in Bryan on December 6 through 8.
According to the nomination from her mom, Angela Willeford, “Emmy is truly a well-rounded individual, excelling in academics, athletics, and her passion for horses. Her ability to balance her busy schedule and still achieve at such a high level is truly inspiring.”
Thank you Mrs. Willeford for the nomination, and congratulations again to Emmy on the championship and this Brave of the Week award!
December 9-13
The Brave of the Week - December 9-13 - CISD Grounds Crew
The Braves of the Week for December 9-13 are ... the CISD Grounds Crew!
Our Braves of the Week this week are … the CISD Grounds Crew! Nominated by Mrs. Molly Porter, our hard-working grounds crew was mowing the grass at Ellis Elementary and took the time to blow the grass clippings off of the cars in the parking lot. Thank you for keeping not only our campuses clean, but our cars too! Congratulations to the Grounds Crew for this honor, and thank you so much for nominating them Mrs. Porter!
December 2-6
The Brave of the Week - December 2-6 - Edge 8th Grade Boys Basketball A Team
The Braves of the Week for December 2-6 are ... the Edge MS 8th Grade Boys Basketball A Team!
Our Braves of the Week this week are … the Edge 8th grade boys basketball A team! According to the nomination from Mr. Jordan Belmore, our Edge 8th grade boys basketball A team “shows the utmost sportsmanship and class during their games. They have self-control, treat players, coaches, and officials with respect, and help whenever they are asked. They encourage their teammates to be the best they can be on and off the court.” Congrats to our Edge 8th grade boys A team on this honor, and thank you to Mr. Belmore for the nomination!
November 18-22
The Brave of the Week - November 18-22 - Hillary Gindrat
The Brave of the Week for November 18-22 is ... Hillary Gindrat!
Our Brave of the Week is … Ms. Hillary Gindrat, the nurse at Community Trails Middle School! According to the nomination from Mrs. Marie Goff, Ms. Gindrat is an incredible asset to Trails. Here's a quote from Mrs. Goff's nomination: "She has the children’s best interest & health in mind at all times. She is such a blessing & I cannot express that enough." Thank you to Mrs. Goff for the nomination, and congratulations to Ms. Gindrat!
November 11-15
The Braves of the Week - November 11-15 - Braves Studio Interns
The Braves of the Week for November 11-15 are ... the Braves Studio Interns!
The Braves of the Week are a great group of students from Community High School - the interns of Braves Studio! According to the nomination from their teacher Mr. Tilton, these four students have put in tons of hours this year as graphics, replay, and camera operators for CISD broadcasts, and have played a big role in several videos released by our CISD Communications department. Their dedication to creating great projects and their passion for Brave Nation is evident at all times. Congrats to the Braves Studio interns on the win, and thank you Mr. Tilton for your nomination!
Which Trait was this person or group exhibiting?
Why are you nominating this person or group?
I get to work with an incredible group of kids that show their passion for design, videography, and Brave Nation every day. Faced with professional-level deadlines and expectations, our Braves Studio interns continue to find ways to excel and surpass expectations in all they do. Their hard work has played an integral role in the success of Community ISD's broadcasts this year, growing our numbers from 13,413 total viewers in 2021 and 2022 combined to 34,526 viewers just in the 2024 football season. They have also produced multiple pieces of content that I am super proud of, including our football and volleyball hype videos for this season, a theater advertisement, and "Community on Campus #2 - Do You Know?". I am privileged to get to work with these students and see them succeed so much.
November 4-8
The Brave of the Week - November 4-8 - Edge MS Staff & CHS Fine Arts
The Brave of the Week for November 4-8 is ... Edge MS Staff and CHS Fine Arts!
Our Brave of the Week award for November 4-8 is once again a group win, with the staff of Edge Middle School earning the honor, as well as the band, color guard, and theater directors at the high school. In her nomination, Mrs. Alicia Short wrote that the entire staff of Edge Middle School has shown my family so much love and support, sending cards, emails, texts, and Facebook messages, along with food, flowers, and financial support that made life so much easier. The band, color guard, and theater directors made sure we had groceries while Jacob was in hospice, made sure a field trip was paid for, and provided comfort to our kids on countless occasions. Thank you so much to these awesome Braves for being so generous, and thank you Mrs. Short for your nomination!
Which Trait was this person or group exhibiting?
Why are you nominating this person or group?
I want to brag on the entire staff of Edge Middle School. From the time Jacob went into the hospital in August up until now weeks after he passed the entire staff has shown my family so much love and support. They have sent cards, emails, text and Facebook messages along with gift cards that we were able to use while visiting him in the hospital. We have had meals and flowers randomly show up on our porch and it really has made this time in our lives so much easier.
I also want to brag on the band directors, color guard director and theater director at the high school. When I couldn’t say what help I needed they took it upon themselves to order groceries for us while Jacob was on hospice so we would have one less thing to worry about. One of the things I forgot about was Landon’s fine arts trip that needed to be paid for the Ms. Wilson reached out to staff and shared what happened with parents in and out of the district and within a few days Landon’s trip was completely paid off and then some. The day Jacob passed Michelle wanted to go to band rehearsal she wanted to do something to help keep her mind off of things. When we got to rehearsal that night Ms Dawson met me at my car with blankets for all 3 kids she had reached out to a group and had them donated.
I cannot imagine how much harder this time in our lives would have been without these amazing people who have supported us in the district.
They really have made this transition to our new normal much easier for us.
October 28-November 1
The Brave of the Week - October 28-November 1 - Sharon Echols
The Brave of the Week for October 28-November 1 is ... Sharon Echols!
According to the nomination from Lisa Cavanaugh, a teacher at CHS, Ms. Echols showed wisdom by stopping to help after witnessing a car accident. Congratulations to Ms. Echols on being named the Brave of the Week, and thanks to Ms. Cavanaugh for the nomination!
Which Trait was this person exhibiting?
Why are you nominating this person?
Ms. Echols was driving to CHS when the car in front of her was involved in a wreck. The CHS student got out of the car and began to have a seizure.
Ms. Echols stayed with the student and comforted them until the ambulance arrived. She then made sure the other students in the car got safely to school. She was actually every trait of a BRAVE!
October 21-25
The Brave of the Week - October 21-25 - Katherine Vuong
The Brave of the Week for October 21-25, 2024 is ... Katherine Vuong!
According to the nomination from Mr. Cooper Welch, our Director of Communications, Mrs. Vuong has consistently gone above and beyond in all that she does at Community Trails Middle School. She always puts others first, and is quick to share credit for any accomplishments.
Which Trait was this person exhibiting?
Why are you nominating this person?
Mrs. Vuong has been an incredible addition to the #BraveNation family. She consistently shows all the Traits of a Brave, but the one that stands out to me most is her humility. Mrs. Vuong always goes above and beyond in all that she does, and puts others first. In the two times she has helped me with events at CTMS, she arrived early, stayed late, and made sure everything was clean and orderly before I ever even stepped on campus.
She also puts others first daily on her campus. I have heard from dozens of people how impressed they are with her and her drive to make sure all students and staff are taken care of and feel at-home when at Community Trails.
Mrs. Vuong is an amazing Brave!
October 14-18
The Brave of the Week - October 14-18 - Reagin Taylor
The Brave of the Week for October 14-18, 2024 is ... Reagin Taylor!
Our Brave of the Week this week is a very special student who has overcome so many challenges in her time as a Brave. Diagnosed with leukemia on July 15, 2022, Reagin Taylor has been in active chemo treatment for over 2 years, including over 100 nights spent in a hospital, multiple blood and platelet transfusions, complete hair loss, and over 20 surgeries. And yet she has persevered, and kept her passion for horses and her education alive throughout these difficult challenges! She is scheduled to end her chemo in November!
Which Trait was this person exhibiting?
Why are you nominating this person?
Reagin Taylor was diagnosed with leukemia on July 15, 2022. She has been in active chemo treatment for over 2 years, including over 100 nights spent in a hospital, multiple blood and platelet transfusions, complete hair loss 2 different times, and over 20 surgeries. She is scheduled to end chemo in November 2024. Despite her chronic illness and all of the side effects from over 2 years of chemo, she never gave up on her true passion in life - horses. She is involved with the Collin County 4H Club, the Cowboy Church, and she rides her horse, Smokey, competitively on an award-winning equestrian drill team. She is active member of the CHS Choir, Vice President of the CHS FFA, and a member of the Honor Society. She hopes to attend Texas A&M and eventually go to Veterinarian school. Reagin is a warrior and has battled through all of the adversities of cancer treatment. She is a survivor and her strength, determination and passion can only be described as truly BRAVE!
October 7-11
The Brave of the Week - October 7-11 - CHS Football
The Brave of the Week for October 7-11, 2024 is ... the CHS Braves football teams!
The Community High School football teams earned the Brave of the Week honors for October 7-11. They were nominated by Mrs. Misty Allums Weedon, a parent from Pine Tree High School. Here is the original submission from Mrs. Weedon:
Which Trait was this person exhibiting?
Why are you nominating this person?
Hey Community ISD! I just have to say congratulations. I saw your CHS football team and coaches in the stands Saturday cheering on your band and color guard. One of my favorite parts of the day was hearing them go crazy in the stands. I am so proud of the support and encouragement you are fostering within your District. Great job!
September 30-October 4
The Brave of the Week - September 30-October 4 - Kristen Christensen
The Brave of the Week for September 30-October 4, 2024 is ... Kristen Christensen from McClendon Elementary!
Mrs. Kristen Christensen, the Physical Education teacher for McClendon Elementary, is the Brave of the Week for September 30-October 4. He was nominated by Ms. Ashley Farmer, McClendon's art teacher. Here is the original submission from Ms. Farmer:
Which Trait was this person exhibiting?
Why are you nominating this person?
Kristen is the epitome of a Brave. She is humble in the way she puts others first. She is a team player through and through and has brought a beautiful team spirit to our specials team here at McClendon. Her generosity shows in the way she is always willing to collaborate, lend a helping hand and lift someone up with a word of encouragement. Not only is Kristen passionate about physical health, ensuring that she shares that passion with our youngest braves but she is consistently willing to work harder to learn more. Her wisdom shines as is quick to share but also always willing to learn from others. Kristen is truly a treasure to our district, to McClendon and to our team.
September 23-27
The Brave of the Week - September 23-27 - Sam Davis
The Brave of the Week for September 23-27, 2024 is ... Sam "Saminator" Davis from CISD Technology!
Mr. Sam Davis, the Device Administrator for Community ISD Technology, is the Brave of the Week for September 23-27. He was nominated by Mrs. Jennifer Tellez, one of our Human Resource Specialists. Here is the original submission from Mrs. Tellez:
Which Trait was this person exhibiting?
Why are you nominating this person?
Even in a busy work environment filled with challenges, Sam is always happy to lend a helping hand. What sets him apart is his dedication to his work. He is ALWAYS thinking of ways to improve the district. I have had to tell him to turn his brain off and go to bed. He is a great leader and teacher filled with knowledge. Beyond his skills, his kindness and approachability makes a real difference in our district. He’s not just a colleague; he’s a mentor and a friend who truly cares about each of us. He’s always there to share his knowledge and support. For all these reasons, Sam truly deserves our recognition because he is amazing. His passion and dedication have a lasting impact on our district and we are incredibly lucky to have him with us. He exhibits all traits and it was hard to choose just one.
September 16-20
The Brave of the Week - September 16-20 - Tyler Lyons
The Brave of the Week for September 16-20, 2024 is ... Tyler Lyons of Ellis Elementary!
Mr. Tyler Lyons, a teacher at Ellis Elementary, is the Brave of the Week for September 16-20. He was nominated by Mrs. Marcia Coker, the Director of Maintenance and Facilities for Community ISD. Mrs. Coker's original nomination is copied below.
Which Trait was this person exhibiting?
Why are you nominating this person?
I am nominating Mr. Lyons for his amazing practical lesson on gravity with his students at Ellis Elementary today. His passion for science and for education shone through in his enthusiasm for the lesson and his interactions with his students. I also very much appreciate that he followed procedure while trying to get permission to make this practical demonstration of gravity from the roof of Ellis. Mr. Lyons has been a great addition to the Ellis team and to Brave Nation!
September 9-13
The Brave of the Week - September 9-13 - Pamela Simmons
The Brave of the Week for September 9-13, 2024 is ... Pamela Simmons of McClendon Elementary!
Mrs. Pamela Simmons, a teacher at McClendon Elementary, is the Brave of the Week for September 9-13. She was nominated by Mrs. Annie Heflin, one of our Curriculum Coordinators. Mrs. Heflin's original nomination is copied below.
Which Trait was this person exhibiting?
Why are you nominating this person?
I am nominating Mrs. Simmons for her generous spirit and dedication to supporting her fellow educators across the district. Each week, I know there will be a message in my inbox reaching out to all 5th grade science teachers with encouragement and an invitation to collaborate. She consistently shares her lesson plans, ideas, and resources to implement in their science classrooms! Many teachers have stopped to tell me what a blessing this has been to them personally. We are so lucky to have her as part of Brave Nation!
September 2-6
The Brave of the Week - September 2-6 - Skyler Whiffen
The Brave of the Week for August 26-30, 2024 is ... Skyler Whiffen of Roderick Elementary!
Skyler Whiffen, a 2nd Grader at Roderick Elementary, is the Brave of the Week for September 2-6. She was nominated by Megan Whiffen, her mother. Mrs. Whiffen's original nomination is copied below.
Which Trait was this person exhibiting?
Why are you nominating this person?
Skyler Whiffen is a student at Rodrick elementary and is 7 years old. When Skyler was in pre k she begged for an alarm clock to wake up for school. We are on years three and she wakes up every day when that alarm clock goes off and gets ready. I don’t have to fight her or ask 10 times to get up and get ready. She also helps our neighbors prek and kindergarten kids at Roderick get breakfast in the morning and walks them to class. I hope this makes it it to the right person.
August 26-30
The Brave of the Week - August 26-30 - Lindsey Lindner
The Brave of the Week for August 26-30, 2024 is ... Lindsey Lindner of Ellis Elementary!
Mrs. Lindsey Lindner, Campus Secretary of Ellis Elementary, is the Brave of the Week for August 26-30. She was nominated by Mrs. Lindsey Hedge, a parent and volunteer in the District. Mrs. Hedge's original nomination is copied below.
Which Trait was this person exhibiting?
Why are you nominating this person?
Ms. L is a huge blessing to Ellis Elementary. She has dove in feet first, and has not looked back. Her passion for serving others is selfless and humble. Her drive and dedication to her campus and the love she has for the staff and students really shows. Ms. L really works hard every day, both in the campus and off campus to make sure that everything runs smooth.
August 19-23
The Brave of the Week - August 19-23 - Maygan Wall
The Brave of the Week for August 19-23, 2024 is ...
Maygan Wall! Mrs. Wall was nominated by Mr. Bryan Ladd, Assistant Superintendent of Campuses and Leadership, for her passion in building a positive school culture at NeSmith Elementary!
Which Trait was this person exhibiting?
Why are you nominating this person?
Mrs. Wall was working hard at morning arrival building a positive school culture at NeSmith Elementary! There was fun music and a fun blowup dinosaur costume! Kids and staff loved it!
August 12-16
The Brave of the Week - August 12-16 - Elizabeth McDorman
The Brave of the Week for August 12-16, 2024 is one of our newest Braves, Community Trails Middle School associate principal Elizabeth McDorman. We have copied the original nomination submitted by CTMS parent Tiffany Steele below.
Which Trait was this person exhibiting?
Why are you nominating this person?
Ms. McDorman was so generous with her time, despite having so little time to spare as the first day of school approached. At orientation, she connected with our son and was sure to remember his name and reconnect with him before we left that night. The next day, she learned of some recent events in our lives and decided to call me and connect to ensure I knew our son would have a great year as a new to the district student. This really warmed my heart! At back to school bash, she connected with our son again! He was so proud that she remembered him, and knew how to spell his name correctly! She asked about the books he had just bought at book fair and listened diligently while he chatted in a very busy room. All of these small moments made a huge impact on our son and our family. We were able to drop him off for his first day of middle school in a new city and have confidence he would be safe and loved! Thank you Ms. McDorman!