Hispanic Heritage Month
Hispanic History Month is celebrated from September 15 through October 15, and it recognizes the achievements of Hispanic and Latino people everywhere.
Why does Hispanic Heritage Month start on September 15?
Hispanic Heritage Month starts on September 15 as this is the recognized Independence Day of five Latin American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Mexico celebrates its anniversary of independence on September 16, and Chile on September 18.
How does Brave Nation commemorate Hispanic Heritage Month?Community ISD celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month with decorations, geography and history lessons about Latino and Hispanic countries, campus-specific parties and celebrations, and the semi-annual Latino Family Night. The fall Latino Family Night, now called Hispanic Heritage Night, features student performances, food contests, and a live translated message from the superintendent. In Fall 2022, Hispanic Heritage Night will take place on October 6, 2022, in the CHS auditorium and cafeteria.
5:30 pm - Performances in CHS auditorium
6:30 pm - Exhibitions in CHS cafeteria