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Funding Scholarships for Seniors

Interested in giving a Scholarship for a Senior?

The Community ISD Foundation manages scholarships through two avenues: endowments and pass-through donations. Here is a brief description to help you. By considering an endowment you will establish a legacy and ensure that your support will impact future generations.  The Community ISD Education Foundation accepts donations from individuals, corporations and other foundations to fund its programs and activities.  Donations may be given in honor of or in memory of someone. Contributions may also include endowment gifts to ensure the perpetuity of the Foundation.


By considering an endowment you will establish a legacy and ensure that your support will impact future generations.  The Community ISD Education Foundation accepts donations from individuals, corporations and other foundations to fund its programs and activities.  Donations may be given in honor of or in memory of someone. Contributions may also include endowment gifts to ensure the perpetuity of the Foundation.

If you are interested in a one-time or annual scholarship donation that requires no long-term investment - a pass through scholarship; we work with Community ISD hosting a single on-line application for graduating seniors to apply. Students complete the process and the Foundation vets each application according to the donor's unique criteria.

Please reach out to our office with any questions as the information above is only meant to offer initial direction. We strive to be a responsible steward of your donations, and we want this process to be clear for you. Thank you for being a part of our mission to enhance education in Community ISD.

Donor Scholarship Letter

Scholarship Criteria Information