Ronnie McClendon
David Ronnie McClendon was born on August 17, 1946 to David Carter McClendon and Anna Carylene McClendon (the namesake of McClendon Elementary) in Lavon, Texas. He attended Community Rural School District (CRSD) schools until his graduation from Community Rural High School in 1964. The valedictorian of the 1964 class, Ronnie participated in football, basketball, FFA, band, student council, and was voted “Mr. CHS” in 1963-64.
Ronnie married his high school sweetheart - Mary Nelle Coleman of Josephine, Texas - in 1966. Together, they had one son, David Coleman McClendon, in 1969. He began his career in education in 1968 working in Caddo Mills ISD. During his time at CMISD he served as a coach, biology teacher, bus driver, and the high school principal - all at the same time. He worked in Caddo Mills from 1968 to 1979, a total of 11 years.
In 1979, Ronnie returned to Community ISD to work as Elementary Principal, a role he held for eight years. He was named Assistant Superintendent of Business in 1988 and served in that capacity for three years, and became the 7th Superintendent of Community ISD in 1991. Ronnie was the CISD Superintendent from 1991 until his retirement in 2001, capping 22 years of service to Brave Nation. In total, he served in education for 33 years across numerous roles. Some of his fondest memories came in his time as the CISD elementary principal. He loved working with the elementary students and faculty, and states that the students were eager and excited to learn and come to school each day. He enjoyed working with the community as well as the level of parent involvement in Community ISD. As superintendent, Ronnie became involved at the state level and sought out ways he could help improve the environment and performance of CISD for the students, faculty, parents, and taxpayers. He was instrumental in the passing of multiple bonds that created numerous facilities such as the Maintenance & Transportation buildings, the Agricultural Barn, and the CISD Athletic Facilities, as well as Carylene McClendon Elementary School.
After retiring, Ronnie has remained active in farming and ranching - raising Registered Hereford and Angus cattle on his seventh generation family farm in Lavon that was founded by his great grandfather in 1887. Ronnie and his wife, Joane, along with his son, Cole McClendon, and daughter-in-law, Terri McClendon, live on the farm. His grandson, Colby McClendon, runs and carries on the farming operations with Colby’s wife, Ashley McClendon. Grandson Carter McClendon attends Texas A&M University, majoring in Agricultural Economics and playing in the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band for the last four years.